On Jun 6, 2005, at 12:47 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

and the thing about little endian and big endian? anyone assuming byte orders and stuff like that will be doomed to the hell of debugging.

We can stop making those assumptions right now.


function platformIsBigEndian
   return (char 1 of binaryEncode("I",1)) is null
end platformIsBigEndian

Note that some processors, maybe not that Rev is on, use a "middle endian" mixed approach for 32-bit integers.

Presumably, this will match the unicode (UTF16) order used by Revolution, but if you are paranoid you can make a similar test using numTochar():

-- just keyed into the mail
-- This assume unicode is some form of UTF16
function unicodeIsUTF16BE
  set the useUnicode to true
  return (char 1 of numToChar(1)) is null
end unicodeIsUTF16BE


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