Performa no, but in my experience there are a lot of people using OS X on G3's. Personally, I am running Tiger on a G3 500 Powerbook, Panther on a G3 366 iBook, and Panther Server on a G3 450 iMac.

The majority of my customers are K-12 schools and the hang on to their hardware for 3-5 years (sometimes longer), and many of them swear that their G3 iMacs run better and faster now than when they were purchased. Apples latest OS actually improves end user responsiveness and number crunching performance

On Jun 6, 2005, at 9:08 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

The theory is that Wintel (or at least Windows) users need to upgrade more frequently (because every new version of Windows is more bloated - apparently new versions of OS X have been the same or even more efficient).

Sounds good, but how many folks are running OS X on their Performa? Or even a G3?

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