Martin Baxter skrev:

I have a number of phrases, each delimited by return in a scrolling field.
When the user clicks anyone of these, the line should be highlighted in some

The problem is that some of the phrases are longer than the field width, if
I use list field behaviour the longest phrases are just cut off. I searched
the archives and found two scripts for "formatFld", but none of them worked
for me.

I then tried to calculate the distance from the top of the field and placed
a gray graphic underneath, but this solution will not work when the user
scrolls the field. Grateful for suggestions.
Signe Marie Sanne


There may be a prettier way to do this but you can have a scrolling field
lock text true, dontwrap false, listbehaviour and autohilite off, and give
it a script like:

on mouseup
  put word 2 of the clickline into lnum
  put the number of lines in me into ltot
  set the backgroundcolor of line 1 to ltot of me to empty
  set the backgroundcolor of line lnum of me to the hilitecolor
end mouseup

# Which puts a coloured background behind the text of the clicked line. And
is at least close to what I think you want.

Martin Baxter

Thanks to both Mark and Martin for possible solutions to my problem. I must admit that the possibility of setting the backgroundcolor of lines in a field was new to me!

However, I had not explained enough about the field. It serves to show the phrases with all occurrences of one word. I have already coloured this one word and was looking for a way to focus the line the user clicks. Martin's solution would have been ideal to me but for one reason: The letter v is displayed as superscript and the background colour of all the v's on the clicked line is as well treated as superscript, ie. lifted a few millimeters above the line. So what I am looking for is either how to put a graphic underneath the line, or a bullet to the left of the field to mark the line, the way it is done in the script editor window.

Signe Marie
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