Mark Wieder wrote:

[snipped ]

NC> Problem though!! On Win2K + Rev2.5, the ArchiveSearch
NC> stack works fine except it doesn't display a message's
NC> contents when you click on its subject line, i.e., a search

Well, that makes it pretty useless...

Try it now. I was having quite a bit of trouble with RevOnline
uploading (and still am). I thought I had fixed that and put it online
but apparently it never took. Version 1.63 is up there now and I just
downloaded it three times to make sure that the right one was really
up where it should be.


I just downloaded the stack (again), and it's still version 1.62 which does not display the message contents. Looks like a great app, though, and at least it's a good index even as it stands; using the date and subject it's not that difficult to find what you're looking for in the archives in a pinch. Thanks for making it, and for making it available!

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