On 23.06.2005, at 15:35, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Haven't seen that one. But in general my favourite writer's style is that of Donald Alcock, in his "Illustrating ..." series. I had the good fortune to work for him (as a summer job while at university - I learnt more in that 2 months than in most of the rest of the 4 years :-) That was when he was a civil engineer more than he was an author - but even then his writing style was unique and just plain fun.

Writing in the first person, informal style for a reference manual for a stress analysis package was something of a breakthrough. And his insistence that hand-lettered text (almost calligraphy) was easier to read than printed text, and made the info easier to understand, was not something I was likely to learn in a university CS course.

So I would definitely recommend "Illustrating C".

Thanks for that tip, Alex!
Simply great!! (thatĀ“s really brainfriendly learning)

I had a lok at this book at Amazon. I understoond in a few minutes, why you have learned more from this guy in 2 month, than from others in years...

Thanks again!

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

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