
Thank you. This makes life easier! But, maybe you shouldn't have been so
quick to offer this insight! I purchased your Objects Picker (which has many
other features, is only $15 USD, and is complimentary to the Application
Browser) a while back, for this very reason! :-)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:10 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: App Browser Woes.....

Hi Dave and Chris,

To be precise, the problem came with Rev 2.5.1. (no problem with 2.5)
In order to save time, runRev guys imagined to keep the current
controls list into a cache and rebuild this list only when a control
was deleted or added.
So, you have just to open the script of the revApplicationOverview
stack and search for the revControlList function and comment the
following lines:

  if the number of lines in lControlCache[pCard] is tNumControls
  then return lControlCache[pCard]

I have no time now but may be I shall find a couple of minutes to
write a patch stack to morrow :-)

Le 14 juil. 05 à 15:17, David Burgun a écrit :

> How come when I change something in my stack, like the layer number
> or the object name etc. It doesn't change in the App Browser Window?
> I am running RunRev 2.6.5 build 108 on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2.
> Does anyone else have this problem??

Copy to runRev support.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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