Mark Swindell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (14 Jul ) wrote:

Very nice! Is there an option to get ALL the results in one fell swoop? (i.e. the FAQ, Dictionary, Topics, Cookbook all at once without having to choose each and re-search?)

Eric Chatonet wrote:

I did not provide such a feature since searching in deeper mode can be a bit long:
FAQ: 479 xml files
Dictionary: 1497 xml files
Topics: 17 xml files
Recipes: 55 cards
And one of my ergonomic goals was to *appear* much faster than the docs itself Letting the user beginning to read the more relevant results (always at top) while the search goes on.

Dennis Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Jul 15) wrote:

Perhaps a check mark for each resource to search with a search all selected resources button would solve both problems. Then the user can decide if he want to do a long search and go get some coffee, or just search all the easy places now.


and Eric Chatonet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (July 15) wrote:

Hi Dennis,

Good idea.
We have to wait for version 1.1

I take the opportunity to tell how much are important all ideas and feedback from advanced users or beginners too.
I don't make these tools for me...
So all comments which can help me to improve the job are welcome.
Nevertheless don't be too rude.

Hi Eric.

I appreciate your open-mindedness and your valuable contributions to the Rev community.

Hope I am not too "rude" when I direct your attention to my "SearchDocs" stack.

This documentation search stack indeed allows simultaneous searches (as an option) of Dictionary, Faqs, and Topics - the Cookbook is not included. Search time through the about 2000 XML-files takes an average of 200 milliseconds, so there is no need "to get some coffee" while having to wait. This search time includes displaying all found lines with the searchstrings colored (as in your plugin) and providing full links to the involved XML files at the same time (so you can instantaneously view the found lines in full context).

I did a test search with your and my tool seaching the Dictionary for the term "abbreviated". The results differ, because you might apply a different search algorithm?

Result for the "Resource Picker":

"3 related entries found" (containing 32 lines according to my count)

Result for "Searchdocs XML 2.6":

"43 found lines in 17 XML-files"

Different versions of my "Searchdocs XML" can be found and downloaded from <>, page "Samples and Tools for Development" or "Screenshots" (with commentaries and screenshots).

Direct download of the latest version for Rev 2.6 is

All versions have an update button to adapt to new Rev versions and changes of the XML-files.


Wilhelm Sanke

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