I'm really baffled. Following suggestions on list, I'm handling the transfer of data to a "dialog" substack by copying a group. The group contains an image and a lot of little fields. The substack has two cards. I do the copy command in a button handler in a card in the main stack. The groups are kept (invisibly) on the same card, and each button press selects one for copying to the substack. The copied group needs to show up in both cards (each card) in the substack.

I'm getting every kind of confusion. I've tried copying to the substack itself. But its accessibility within each of the two cards in the stack seems haphazard (sometimes different groups show up on the two cards! so I'm doing _something_ wrong in the copy). I've tried copying the group to the first card in the substack, but I'm having trouble getting a copy to the second card that I then need to do can't find it.

In other words, I'm not understanding how this works. Is it groups I don't understand (their relation to a _stack_ or a _card in the stack_ -- these groups are _not_ marked with a background property, by the way, either in the main stack or in the substack)? Or is it copy? I rename "it" right after copying the group to the substack (this is how I keep from needing to specify which main-stack group I'm working with while I'm in the substack); is that getting me in trouble? I've been over the docs several (many) times, and can't find out where the gap in my conception is.

I hope this makes enough sense to be answerable -- it doesn't make much sense to me any more.

Charles Hartman

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