> This all depends on the application and its popularity... 

To some extent.  You and I have ADSL - but a huge proportion
of the world are still relying on good old dial up and will
be for some years to come.
> i dont care to download 20MBs updates or 300 demos if they 
> are "good" or critically needed or if they give me a 10% boost...

Nor do I.  But I have customers who *do*.

> i also got unlimided downloads and adsl going so...
> downloads dont have a price... they just compete for diskspace...

You filling your HD's like I am huh?  Hardest thing in my life is
sorting out the stuff I don't need.  <g>  I have a 32 gig drive 
just for backups of tools I use sometimes.

> Elasticity of demand economix... 

True.  But we still can't lose sight of the fact that the
majority of the world isn't in our position.  ADSL in
Australia is *still* relatively expensive and most plans
have a maximum number of megs (or gigs) you can pull down
a month.  I'm on an 8 gig plan.  Some people have plans
as low as 500 meg a month.  It's getting cheaper - but
slowly and our major Telco has a monopoly on the exchanges.


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