Today's scripting conference was canceled, due to a number of unavoidable circumstances. I meant to announce that yesterday, but somehow time got fuzzy on me and I missed announcing the change. While we did post the change to the schedule on Runtime's web site, I'm very sorry if any of you sat around waiting for us this morning. We hope to reschedule Chipp's conference for some time in the future.

Just a heads-up: Jerry's conference in two weeks will also not take place, though his stack will be available for download later. Again, conflicts that were unforseen when we first made up the schedule make it impossible for him to do the live chat. But he's promised a stack for us.

Apologies again if anyone was waiting in the chat room, listening to the sound of crickets chirping.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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