
I realize that Forth is arcane. However, it is simple to grasp the concept behind it, and it is the only language I ever used (albeit for only a few days 25 years ago), that is inherently extensible (and re-definable). In fact if you don't extend the language, you would have a hard time accomplishing anything. I pretty much understood most of the language concept the first day I was exposed to it. But coming from the machine language and hardware side of things, it fit right into my mental landscape.

I was trying to find a very simple example that I could relate to in order to conceptualize the environment provided by TAOO. If this concept is correct, then I would not have any trouble figuring out TAOO and might even be able to explain the concept to others in simple terms.

However, if you did not "get" Forth, you might not be able to tell me if I have got any kind of mental hook to grab onto it yet. I understand Small Talk is an extensible language and you are familiar with it. Can you draw any parallels in that direction?


On Oct 16, 2005, at 8:07 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:


Gawd, do I hope you're wrong about the parallel with FOrth! :-D

Forth and LISP are the only two programming languages I ever attempted to learn and just gave up on. If TAOO is like Forth, I'm going to go back to programming in object assembler. It'll be less painful.

(Just kidding. At least mostly.)


On Oct 16, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:


After reading your new introduction on the wiki page. Something clicks. If I understand what TAOO is supposed to be, I can relate it to Forth.

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
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