On Oct 21, 2005, at 4:44 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

It is a fundamental Truth of the Universe (when you reach my advanced stage of life you can even afford to pontificate now and again) that everything takes longer than you think it will even when you take into account that everything takes longer than you think it will.

I have told you my theory that if every project takes longer than imagined than you just go stacking them like domino tiles and hope that when you finish a easy one they will all be solved in chain reaction! :-)

jokes apart, I think the best approach to get something done is
1) write a spec, something to guide you, like what problem you're trying to solve (thats an important question), how should your app behaves. 2) Adopt modular paradigm like model-view-controller, something to split GUI from code so that your code will be portable and maintainable. 3) Follow deadlines, even if you don't have one, go and create artificial one with punishments like: if I pass 10 of october without an alpha version of my new superduper rev game I shall be honor bound to drink a cup of orange juice with 3 spoons of salt.... 4) Always research, chances are someone created something similar to what you're trying to do, see how they did it, learn from others. For example, I love outliners and am trying to build a little one for personal use in Rev, I just downloaded everything from MORE to OmniOutliner and checked... decided I need to learn more.... :-)

at least this is what my workflow looks... and yes, it still takes longer than planned.

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