
is the address of some more interesting animations from the company that did the dancing skeletons.


On Oct 22, 2005, at 6:13 PM, Malte Brill wrote:

awesome :-)


While we are at cool flashes: The coolest skeleton I saw was done by vectorlounge, which seem to have disappeared (a pity) I found an archived version.


If might hang on load. If it does so, right click on the flash movie and hit play...

in order to be in chart: no means to make something approaching this?
arcade engine, for instance (not so much studied it, I must confess...)

Not "out of the box". Skeleton animation and rigid body dynamics is a very complex topic and even more complex to derive generalized techniques, or one method fits all approaches. That is not handled in ArcadeEngine today. Even though some of the needed functions are already in it, ArcadeEngine lacks the physics parts (physics are on the to do list for version 2.0).

<blow my own horn mode>

ArcadeEngines main focus today is fluent asynchronus movement, fast collision detection and prescripted behaviours for path creation and constraining movement, spiced up with a neat set of geometric functions to save some headaches. ;-)

The next update will provide more collision detection methods (very fast polygon-polygon collision tests for convex and concave polygons), fast point in poly tests, line- and lineSegment intersection points, tests on which side of a line a point is located (left, right or on the line), a new User interface and revised documentation.

</tooooot tooooot>

All the best,


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