Re this thread, many thanks to Eric and Jeanne!


Hi Tim,

Table fields in Rev stay not too much documented and, to be frank, don't work as well as expected. May be in a next version :-) In the meantime, you might be interested in a tutorial "How to manage table fields" you will access thought "Tutorials Picker" a free plugin that interfaces with the So Smart Software website in order to display all available tutorials directly from the web.
You will find it by going to

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 4 nov. 05 à 22:08, Timothy Miller a écrit :

A couple of days ago, I asked about "table grids" or "grid tables" or something like that. I had my terminology mixed up. No one replied, perhaps because my question was perplexing.

I'll try again.

I'm asking about the "table" item in the popup, in the object inspector, for fields.

I've tried trial and error, and tried searching the documentation. I haven't gotten too far. This thing seems more or less undocumented. The various table properties perplex me. I've figured out "tab stops." That's about it.
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