Recently, Wouter wrote:

> The start and end values of the scrollbars are from high to low.
> This forces the engine to set the thumbsize to -0.
> When the showvalue of the scrollbars is true (indicated by the gray
> line formed by the "ticks")
> it will slow revolution down to an unresponsive condition.

Good to know, thanks.  What version of Rev is this?

>> There is some kind of intermittent bug that causes a random
>> triangle to
>> appear every once in a while -- not sure where this comes from.  At
>> first it
>> was annoying but it has now started to resemble lightning for me. :-)
> to stop the lightning:

Thanks for the fix -- it's been added to the posted stack.
  go url "";

Do the modifications make it work correctly on your side?

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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