Saving the watched set with the object is useful, because you may have more than one project you are working on and debugging. It is nice to start up where you left off --when rev crashes due to some horrible bug in your code.

On the other hand, if you keep most of your handlers in a stack or card script, then it is not as useful having them saved on an object by object basis, because all the scripts are in the same object.

Still, all things considered custom properties are a reasonable and simple way to keep track of debugging stuff.


On Dec 23, 2005, at 2:40 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

On Dec 22, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Jerry Daniels wrote:

Right! Folder of watched vars would be possible. HOWEVER I will then have to save those watched vars as a custom prop in the object.

How to create a watched var: drag a var into the "watch" folder. Caveat: no folders no watched vars. Can't have everything.

Don't store it as a custom property on the object -- it's not that permanent. It would be more than enough to store an array with the id of the object as the key. That would make it live session-long. Some development environments I work in don't even do that -- they just store the list of called-out variables/expressions for the duration of the session, without regard to what script is running. That actually proves sufficient for most of my purposes.

Dragging is okay I suppose, but double-clicking is faster and easier. It's a simple command -- add this to the list. I don't need to be able to specify _where_ in the custom list it goes. It would be nice to be able to reorder the custom list if I wanted to, but generally it is short enough that it doesn't matter.
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