On 25 Jan 2006, at 10:32, Chipp Walters wrote:

I like to do the following:

if tResult is "Error" then
  answer "Go Ahead anyway" with "Cancel" or "OK"
  if it is "Cancel" then exit to top
end if

Most of the time it compiles, but sometimes the single line if statement in the middle throws and error and won't compile, so I'm forced to do:

The problem seems to occur before an "else" line.

If x > y then
  if a = be then doSomething2 ##problem here
end if

I've always assumed (without any deep investigation) that it was a result of the engine's tolerance of various "if" constructions. For example the following compiles:

 if 1 > 2 then put 2
 else put 1

While we're on the subject, could someone who likes to use the "then on the following line" syntax please explain the advantages. I've always found it confusing when I come across it, but there must be a reason for using it that I haven't yet grasped.

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