It has me stumped. Using OS 10.3.9, Rev 2.5.1

I have a substack to create a menubar. Its card consists of a group of 14 menu btns each with their own icon ids and names. The size of the group is the same as the size of the stack (800/45). The stack doesn't have a menubar of its own.

Upon opening, the stack's rect is set to 0,0,800,45 and loc set to 800,45. Everything works fine in browse, pointer and suspend development tools settings.

Upon creating a standalone, only the btn names appear but clicking on a btn name,
the icon appears with it's btn name.

As a test, I did the same as above but used only a group of the icons (no btns or names). All was OK in the test standalone.

I also tried using using a plain btn with its icon. Didn't work in a standalone. Just the name again.

Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks.

Regards ... Bob

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