Christian Langers wrote:

Hello all,

But I want to change this procedure : the app should only spit out components if there had been changes in the component folders...

What methods should I use : checking timestamp of the folders on disk ?(how does one do that ?) Checking the number of files in folders ? ...

If anyone had an idea about this, I would be thankful to read about it ;-)

I've tested out this little script - but not used it in a real case. Seems to do what we want, but I can't be sure there isn't some way around it ... adjust the folder path (and the list of files) to suit your needs.

--> all handlers

on mouseUp
   put "D:/Our Documents/trythis" into tFolder
   put false into tOK
   put empty into tPrevious
   put empty into tCurrent
   if there is not a folder tFolder then
create folder tFolder -- NB assuming the path to it must already exist !!
   end if
   put the defaultFolder into tSaveFolder
   set the defaultFolder to tFolder
   if there is a file (tFolder & "/filelist.txt") then
       put URL ("file:" & tFolder &  "/filelist.txt") into tPrevious
       filter tPrevious without ".*" -- eliminate special files !?
       sort tPrevious
       put the detailed files into tCurrent
       filter tCurrent without ".*" -- eliminate special files !?
filter tCurrent without "filelist.txt*" -- eliminate special files !?
       sort tCurrent
       if tCurrent = tPrevious then
           put true into tOK
       end if
   end if
   put tOK & CR & tPrevious & CR&CR & tCurrent & CR into field "Field"
   if not tOK then
       put "this is a" into URL ("file:" & tFolder & "/a.txt")
       put "this is file c" into URL ("file:" & tFolder & "/c.txt")
       put "this is b" into URL ("file:" & tFolder & "/b.txt")
put the detailed files into URL ("file:" & tFolder & "/filelist.txt") end if set the defaultFolder to tSaveFolder
end mouseUp

Alex Tweedly

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