Thanks to Chris and Rob I've got this working. Rob proves once again how reading the blinking manual can make you look like a genius. (Not to imply that Rob is not one, just that in addition to his native intelligence he has a passel of common sense.)

Chris's contribution was a necessary part of the solution:

On Apr 5, 2006, at 8:32 PM, chris bohnert wrote:
when returning the data i do

put "select name,imageData from limage where name='" & tImgName &"'" into tsql
put revdb_queryblob(tconnectionid,tsql) into tRS
if not revdb_iseof(tRS) then
     put revDatabaseColumnNamed(tRS,"name",tPicName)
     set the text of field "strPicName" to tPicName
     put revDatabaseColumnNamed(tRS,"imageData",tImageDat)
     set the imagedata of image "picImage" to tImageDat
     answer "got a result"
   end if

But I was only getting a band of random colors on the edge of my image object. Then Rob provided the final piece:

On Apr 6, 2006, at 9:18 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:


put the imageData of image "picImage" into tBits

I asked this question before, and I still haven't gotten to the point of testing:

Why does everyone choose the imageData of the image instead of its text?

From Rev Dictionary:


I read this to say, "If you want to retain the original contents of an image, store its text NOT its imageData."

My final solution for loading an image from a database looks like this:

  put word 2 of the selectedline of fld "linenumbers" into tEntryNum
put "select illustration from vocablist where item_index='" & tEntryNum &"'" into tsql
  put revdb_queryblob(connID,tsql) into tRS
  if not revdb_iseof(tRS) then
    put revDatabaseColumnNamed(tRS,"illustration",tImageDat)
    put tImageDat into image "testImg"
  end if

Thanks again.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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