On 11 Apr 2006, at 17:24, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The application is database oriented, with the user double-clicking
on a table row to open a stack that displays all the fields,
and data related to that selected row.
The user is now on the sub-stack. If the user doesn't change
anything, and presses Esc, the sub-stack should close
with no warnings.
If the user has changed data, and then presses Esc,
I'd want to pop up an alert to the affect that they
need to save or cancel changes.
How is this done in RunRev?

This just one way.

First, you need a way to know if the user has changed data. The details of this will depend on your stack, but let's say you maintain a custom property that tracks whether changes have been made. So you might have a preOpenStack handler in the stack script to initially set the custom property to its "clean" state. Something like:

on preOpenStack
  set the cDirtyState of this stack to false
end preOpenStack

Then in the places you determine that a change has been made, you would set the custom property to true. For example, this might be in an exitField handler in a text field.

on exitField
  set the cDirtyState of this stack to true
end exitField

(But probably something more elaborate is needed, depending on your stack.)

Then in the stack script, you could have the following handler to catch the Escape Key.

on escapeKey
  if the cDirtyState of this stack then
     put "Do you want to save your changes?" into tString
     answer tString with "Save" or "Don't Save"
     if it is "Save" then
         ## do whatever you need to save the data here
        close this stack
     end if
      close this stack
  end if
end escapeKey

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