Thanks to Stephen, Sarah and Mark.

Your notes jogged by memory, and I dug into my old XCMD collections. Kevin Calhoun's ClipToPict XCMD in the Dartmouth collection, and resPictToClip ClipToPictFile from HyperExternals Pro (Heizer Software!) did the trick.

The Rev getResource() function only sort of worked, so I went to an all HyperCard solution. After all these years I'm still amazed by HyperCard and all the geniuses who made it do magic.

By the way, my foray back into HC really made me appreciate the Rev IDE interface, despite the nitpicking we indulge in here at times.



On May 2, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

I'll check my list of old XCMDS....there should be something that converts PICT resources into PICT files.... there's all kinds of resource xcmds out there.

You'll have to do the conversion in Hypercard 'cause those won't work in Rev. I have a collection called 'Clip To Pict' which has an x called 'Clip to Pict File'...

I know all the functions of 'Rescopy' were also broken out into different x's.

do you want me to find, stuff and make those available to you?


I'm converting an old Hypercard app to Revolution. That app used PICT resources in stacks to store images. There are hundreds of them. Before I start doing them one by one in Photoshop, does anyone know whether I could write a rev stack to automate this? I've looked at the commands that work with Mac Classic resource forks, but I don't know enough about how they're structured to try to extract just the PICT resources. Has anyone tried anything like this? Failing that, is there existing software that does this? I've tried GraphicConverter, which purports to do batch conversions, but I couldn't make it work with PICT resources.

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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