
I suppose if you stood outside Cupertino, your straw poll would have
Macs represented even higher ;-) That's of course the problem with
straw polls. They're not very reliable when the basis is from one's
own perspective.

I use AVG antivirus (free) and haven't had a single problem on any of
my many WinXP computers in years. Of course I keep them up-to-date,
which it sounds like many of your straw users can't do as they aren't
using a current version.

On 6/29/06, Kay C Lan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Which may explain why I've recently come across more Mac users; and why I
started my straw poll. I simply ask why they switched and whether they were
using pirated OS and software. Generally the reason given was 'viruses and
needing to regularly restore'. The 'Yes' to the second question usually
comes in a tone like 'do you think I'm stupid, why would I pay so much for
something I can get for free'. I've never bothered to delve into exactly
what version of OS they were running.

Can I then surmise they don't pay for Mac OS either? Interesting
people you find in your straw poll. Certainly not reflective of the
millions of users who have paid for XP. Virtually every Dell, Gateway,
Compaq, Sony, HP, IBM desktop and laptop have a licensed and paid for
version of XP. I imagine if you don't include them in your straw poll,
you will certainly get biased information.
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