I just returned my CS2 stuff this morning, no problem once I got past the
rules-driven worker bee and got to the store manager.  They tell me April 07
for the full CS3 but it is hard to imagine if Adobe are only talking about

One of the bits of trivia I learned is just how much of the mainstream
software, such as MS office, are being emulated on Rosetta.  My impression
is that very little non-Apple software is Universal... Jim

on 1/4/07 11:49 AM, Ian Wood wrote:

> On 4 Jan 2007, at 14:04, Jim Carwardine wrote:
>> With further research I discovered that they brought a beta version of
>> Photoshop out in December that was a free upgrade if had recently
>> bought the
>> CS2 version but that they want full price for the full CS3 version
>> when it
>> comes out regardless of when you bought CS2.
> The CS3 beta is limited to 2 days if you don't have a CS2 licence,
> and 30 days even if you *do* have a CS2 licence. So there's no free
> upgrades involved with the beta anyway.
>> I could find no mention of the other apps in the suite.  Does
>> anyone know if
>> the entire CS is being published in April 07?
> They've been remarkably quite about the rest of the suite, we still
> don't even know what apps from Adobe 7 Macromedia are going to be
> carried forwards...
>> Apparently Adobe says CS3 is such a massive upgrade that they do
>> not want to
>> honour their upgrade policy for recent buyers of CS2.
> There's a certain amount of truth in that, as far as I know it's been
> pretty much re-written to be MacIntel & Vista compatible.
> And BOY does it make a difference on an Intel Mac! CS2 launch on a
> MBP is 20-25s, CS3 is 4-5s.
>> Now, because I opened the package, I may be stuck with old software
>> and no
>> options but to buy it again to get the CS3 version.
> At the very worst you'd have to buy an upgrade, like the rest of us
> who have older copies of CS2. I can't believe that Adobe are insane
> enough to make everyone buy Photoshop again from scratch. There are
> likely to be all sorts of different bundles, though, what with
> LightRoom, Bridge etc.
> Ian
> P.S. On a slightly related note - anyone who has even a slight
> interest in photography should download the trial versions of both
> Apple Aperture and Adobe LightRoom, very interesting to analyse from
> a GUI design perspective...
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