When one produces a product as good as the Mac, what with the dramatic improvements in speed and capacity, it is actually a service to the customers that they be hurled toward buying something better. I still have three, but could be 5 or 6 if I hadn't given the others away, quite serviceable Macs; and would probably have kept using them, to my own detriment, were it not for the OS changes. Each time I have, somewhat reluctantly, "upgraded", the cost of the new system has usually been less than what I paid for the slower, lower capacity previous setup; and I usually recouped the new expense within the year by way of improved productivity. Based on what I have seen in the Window's world, such is much less dramatically observable. So, GO Apple!

Joe Wilkins

On Mar 4, 2007, at 7:14 PM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

Am I off-base in my thinking, and should just not worry about
XP disappearing in the next couple years?

I don't see XP disappearing for quite some time. MS cannot afford to walk away from yesterday's operating system (or even the day before yesterday) - they are in a totally different boat from Apple. Apple doesn't have the
incentive (they are incentivized in the opposite direction!) to keep
supporting older operating systems - their business model seems totally built around constantly moving their user base forward, making it much more
attractive to simply keep buying new hardware from...Apple.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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