I have a program I'm working on the has an "authorization" stack where a username and password are entered and then if they are ok, will load another stack that has the actual application. I think I got it to work once (in other words, it loaded and brought to the front) but haven't been able to do it again. This is failing in the IDE. Eventually I want to run the authorization app with stackRunner but right now, I can't get SR to connect to the database of usernames/passwords/profiles.

The other little issue I have is that the one time the "big" app loaded the authorization stack (which is very small) stayed on (behind the new stack). Is there anyway I can close the authorization stack once the new main app stack is open? I understand that the auth stack is what's loading the app stack so getting rid of it could cause problems because when the app is done, it has nowhere to return to.

One last little hitch, I'm trying to load all of my stacks via URLs. They are not going to be local to the workstations. Only stackRunner will be loaded on the workstations.

Thanks for any guidance!

len morgan
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