Confirmed! UBs built with 2.8.1 *do not* run under OS X 10.2.x. But one built with 2.8.0 does. At least in my testing. What changed? If no one else has, I'll submit this as a bug. It's a nasty one.


On Jun 1, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

I'm wondering if there's a problem with the 2.8.1 engine. Other non- Rev universal apps I have (installers, for example) run perfectly fine under 10.2.x. And I'm almost positive that standalones built with previous Rev engines have run fine for me. I'm going to double check this though.


On Jun 1, 2007, at 12:47 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Shari wrote:
After a couple of hours of reading old archived posts dating back a couple years I came across one tiny tidbit that may explain why the UB standalone fails to launch on my G-3. Can anyone verify this? Nowhere in the docs of either Revolution or Metacard could I find a mention of this. I did a pretty exhaustive search and if the info is out there, it is well hidden. Universal Binaries for Mac only launch on systems OSX 10.3.x and higher...
Is this true?

I couldn't find a specific statement in the Apple Developer area, but the stuff I did read seems to indicate it is true.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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