How would the world of software languages that we know of now be different?


  1. Visual Basic would not have had the success that it did as
  companies re-hacked HyperTalk to fit their business needs
  2. We'd have got colour and video and object orientation well ahead of
  the competition
  3. MetaCard would have been born as an Open Source company based
  around customising the engine for larger corporations
  4. RunRev would have produced the RevIde and repackaged it for a new
  market - without the same start-up costs
  5. Others Galaxies would have been produced
  6. We'd have got these benefits cheaper, they would have got more
  7. Businesses would be making money with the engine and there would be
  many many such businesses

Have some fun and picture it - dream or nightmare? It's a serious question,
for those thinking of investing their skills.
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