Well, Ken. It turns out I think I need to go with your method. The 'killall' command is definitely more concise, but it turns out that I am going to have to do a partial search on the path to the process exe just to make sure I get the right one, and killall doesn't seem to allow that.

I've got another question for you though. It concerns the 'cut -d\ - f2' part of this. This doesn't seem to be working correctly. Can you explain more what's supposed to happen here? It seems to just be returning an empty string, so a valid pid is never passed on. I've tried it using TextEdit as well as using my own process in the command. Any thoughts?


On Jul 9, 2007, at 4:03 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 14:46:32 -0600, Chris Sheffield wrote:

My Unix scripting knowledge leaves a bit to be desired, so I thought
I'd ask here for some help.

I have a Vise installer for OS X that needs to check for and kill our
own process if it's running. The installer will be authenticated when
running. I need a shell script that I can execute from within the
installer that will determine, by name, if a given process is
running, and then kill it dead if so. Can someone help?

Well, it's ugly, but you can execute this:

ps -awx | grep 'TextEdit' | grep -v 'grep' | cut -d\  -f2 | xargs -I
pid kill -9 pid

A few notes:
  - I'm using TextEdit as the app I want to close - replace your app
name here (to see what I'm parsing, execute 'ps -awx' in the Terminal
by itself).
  - This is all one line, no returns here
  - There are actually two spaces after the "d\" and before the "-f2".

Here's what it means (for those wondering):

  (ps -awx) = Get a list of all currently running processes with full
path names.

  ( | grep 'TextEdit') = Pipe the result to 'grep' (the regex engine)
and return any lines that contain 'TextEdit'. This will return TWO
lines, one with the path to TextEdit on it, and the other one is the
actual 'grep' call that is trying to find 'TextEdit'.

  ( | grep -v 'grep') = Pipe the result to 'grep' again, but this time
ignore any lines that have 'grep' in it. (Sneaky!)

  ( cut -d\  -f2) = Extract ("cut") the second space-delimited "word"
in the resulting string ("-d" means use a delimiter, "\ " is the
delimiter to use (has to be escaped because spaces normally signify a
change of parameters, etc. on the command line), "-f2" means look for
the second space-delimited "field" in the string)

( | xargs -I pid kill -9 pid) = Pipe the result (the process ID) into
a variable called 'pid' that will replace the argument variable 'pid'
in the call to the 'kill' command (normally to kill a process it would
look like "kill -9 1012")).


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

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