Hi Eric,

Honestly I don't recall the exact circumstances, as it has now been some time ago. But my company was doing an update to our software back when Vista was first hitting the market, and we wanted everything to be Vista-compatible. We also needed a place to store a prefs file that was accessible to all users. We first went with C:\ProgramData, as that seemed to be the logical choice. However, after doing some testing, we discovered that in some cases, not all, and I'm still not totally sure why, our prefs file was getting virtualized, which of course was causing all kinds of strange things to happen with our program. All I was doing was writing the file to our own folder inside ProgramData. I'm not sure if it had something to do with the type of Vista installation or what. We were mostly testing on the Business and Ultimate flavors. But it was then that I had to research other locations and found Public Documents to be the best place.

Not sure if that really answers your questions or not. :-)


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

On Nov 1, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Eric Chatonet wrote:

hris and Richard,

I was confronted with this problem and the 'horrible' way Vista makes its own of all it wants as it wants.
But you know this too...
Sometimes, I do regret to not be obliged to work on my Mac only ;-)

I had noticed that Norton LiveUpdate folder and others significant data that have to be updated frequently were there... And as far as I can agree (!!!) the way Vista makes its job, I assume that C:/ProgramData (the name itself is significant) could be the right place and it works for me AFAIK.

Chris, you say that some files you put in it were nevertheless virtualized? It would be interesting to go to the bottom of this: can you share circumstances when it happened?

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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