> On Apr 9, 2021, at 6:15 AM, Joe Obernberger <joseph.obernber...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> We run a ~1PByte HBase cluster on top of Hadoop/HDFS that works pretty well.  
> I would love to be able to use Cassandra instead on a system like that.

1PB is definitely in the range of viable cassandra clusters today

> Even all SSDs - you can get a system with 24, 2 TByte SSDs, which is too 
> large for 1 instance of Cassandra.  Does 4.x address any of this?

You said it’s too large for one instance ... so run more than one instance? 
> Ebay uses Cassandra and claims to have 80+ petabytes.  What do they do?

Well done / congrats eBay! That’s a nice install. 

(They probably have lots and lots of clusters)

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