*Hi everyone,It was great seeing everyone who could attend the Cassandra
Summit last week. Thanks to everyone that helped make it successful.
Speakers. Attendees. Sponsors. You all had your role at bringing this back.
For those who couldn’t attend, every talk was recorded and is now up on the
LF YouTube channel. They aren’t easy to find because they are stream
recordings per room for an entire day. Takes a bit of searching to find a
talk. We have some folks working on getting them indexed and possibly split
up. I’ll send an email when it’s been worked out.On the tail of last week's
energy around Cassandra and AI, I made a short survey with some questions I
was left with. This is not an official project survey. This is my own. You
know I love surveys! It shouldn’t take more than 4-5 minutes, and I have
some cool incentives for anyone who completes the survey. Does anyone want
a new OLED Steam Deck? Here’s the link:
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MZVBRYQ>Finally, just another plug for the
Cassandra Catalyst program. We have a lot of folks in our community that
keep the energy going up up up! Nominate them today!

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