
Thanks for the swift reply.

After reading some more, I realized that perhaps "nested transactions" is
not what I'm looking for. It would be more a case of multiple simultaneous
transactions in the same thread in my case.

Looking at the last two test methods in
I conclude that this is possible with iBatis.Net v3 alone. Am I wrong? Would
that test actually pass on the current v3 code line?

Ref. the v3 code line: I would like to contribute, but don't feel
comfortable enough to contribute code (I never looked at any iBatis source
code). I remember reading you had documentation issues for v3. Could I help
with that? I ask here because I haven't yet figured out how to reply to an
existing message directly through the mailing list :(

Thanks for your help! Hope I can give back soon.



On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Michael McCurrey <mmccur...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I personally use the Castle Windsor facility for my nested transactiosn and
> am working on a version that works for the IBatis v3 code line.
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Roger Champagne <rcham...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just joined this mailing list this week, this is my first post.
>> I must start by congratulating the whole iBatis.NET team for a great
>> product. I used the java version in the past and was pleasantly surprised to
>> find the .NET version when the need came about this summer.
>> I am also a novice in database related questions, so please excuse any
>> naive or wrong assumptions/questions.
>> I have a need for nested transactions. After browsing through the archives
>> of this mailing list, I concluded that there are two recurring options, both
>> involving using something other than iBatis at the service layer: 1) use the
>> .NET System.Transactions API; 2) use the Castle Windsor container withe the
>> iBatis facility. As pointed out in another post, the latter doesn't seem
>> actively supported for a little while. Someone else replied to this comment
>> by pointing out that they were still using it and that the last version was
>> indeed very usable.
>> As I am not familiar with either Castle or the System.Transactions API,
>> I'm basically looking for advice as to which of the two solutions (or
>> perhaps yet another solution) I should be looking into.
>> Thanks for any advice you might have on this issue.
>> Sincerely,
>> Roger Champagne
> --
> Michael J. McCurrey
> Read with me at http://www.mccurrey.com
> http://chaoticmindramblings.blogspot.com/

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