You got it exactly right. :-)


On 8/24/05, Alan Chandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Larry Meadors writes:
> ...
> >
> > The groupBy attribute is used to deal with the "N+1" selects problem.
> > The "N+1 Selects" problem is caused by trying to load child records
> > that are related to a list of parent records. So, if you run one query
> > to get the parent records, and there are some number "N" of them, then
> > you have to run "N" more queries to get the child records for the
> > parent records resulting in "N+1 selects".
> Yes I FULLY understand the above
> >
> > Here is another example that does an Account -> Order -> OrderItem
> > mapping using this technique:
> >
> >   <resultMap id="ResultAccountInfoNMap" class="AccountInfo"
> >     groupBy="account.accountId" >
> >     <result property="account.accountId" column="accountId" />
> >     <result property="orderList" resultMap="Ch7.ResultOrderInfoNMap" />
> >   </resultMap>
> >
> >   <resultMap id="ResultOrderInfoNMap" class="OrderInfo"
> >     groupBy="order.orderId" >
> >     <result property="order.orderId" column="orderId" />
> >     <result property="orderItemList" resultMap="Ch7.ResultOrderItemNMap" />
> >   </resultMap>
> >
> >   <resultMap id="ResultOrderItemNMap" class="OrderItem">
> >     <result property="orderId" column="orderId" />
> >     <result property="orderItemId" column="orderItemId"  />
> >   </resultMap>
> >
> >   <select id="getAccountInfoListN" resultMap="ResultAccountInfoNMap">
> >     select
> >       account.accountId as accountid,
> >       orders.orderid as orderid,
> >       orderitem.orderitemid as orderitemid
> >     from account
> >     join orders on account.accountId = orders.accountId
> >     join orderitem on orders.orderId = orderitem.orderId
> >     order by accountId, orderid, orderitemid
> >   </select>
> I may be a little dense here - can I just confirm.  In class "AccountInfo",
> you have a property called "account" which is itself an object of some
> class(doesn't precisely matter, the class definition for AccountInfo will
> have imported the definition).  This sub object has a property called
> "accountID" (and similarly for "order").
> [only asking because this seems to make the example slightly more complex
> than it needs for explanation, and I am just making sure I understand
> correctly].
> >
> > Does that make it any clearer?
> Well...  I still don't understand exactly what the groupBy attribute is
> actually saying here.  Let me run one proposition by you and see if I have
> it right.
> Is it saying account.accountID is the common field that the query is joined
> on, and therefore there will be a lot of records where this will be a common
> factor - and to take all of them and use them to only create a single
> instance of class AccountInfo and to populate orderList with all the
> variants of this particular common field (and of course a similar position
> this with OrderInfo and orderItemList)?
> If that right, then I think I've got it.  I know when I need to use it.
> If not ...
> ... then you will have to try again:-(
>  --
> Alan Chandler

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