Q1. What's the best way to dynamically alter ('=' or
'like') to ('!=' or 'not like') in a pre-constructed
option ? e.g.

  <isNotNull prepend="and" property="attribute1">
    FIELD1 like #attribute1#

can become

  <isNotNull prepend="and" property="attribute1">
    FIELD1 not like #attribute1#

or vice-versa.

Q2. Is there a way to dynamically add fields to an SQL
statement (select/update/insert/delete) ? e.g. A UI
customization that indirectly allows adding a field to
an existing table, could then have statements that
operate on those new fields.

Q3. Does Ibatis allow an API call to retrieve the
constructed SQL right before the execution ? (Perhaps
for achieving the problem above)

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