Hello i am new using ibatis.
I am working, making, one j2ee applicaction.
the packeages are:

in the sqlmapdao package i have one class, DaoConfig.java with this.

public static DaoManager getDaoManager(){
DaoManager daoManager=null;
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("../../resources/daoConfig.xml");
daoManager = DaoManagerBuilder.buildDaoManager (reader);

in the resources package i have:
the xqlmapconfig, iwth the configuration to the db and with the includes for the sql xml files.

i cannot deploy my application into one was server.
the server log says me the the resource file has been begin with one /

how must i to load the resource files?
this is correct?
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("../../resources/daoConfig.xml");

my application goes into one ear file for deploy into other platform, i dont know the absolute path to the conf files, resource files.
and the properties files go into the ear. afte the deploy i cannot change.

how can i solve this problem?

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