Correct.  A cache model will only work with results, not with output params (because you passed the object in), and certainly not with Oracle cursors (because they are live connections to the DB).


On 10/26/05, Rao, Satish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does cacheModel only work with resultClass and resultMap?

Currently I have the following entry in the sqlMap

          <cacheModel id="cacheFullname" type="OSCACHE">

        <parameterMap id="some-param" class="SomeParams" >
                <parameter property="someId" mode="IN" jdbcType="VARCHAR" javaType="java.lang.String"/>
                <parameter property="someRS" jdbcType="ORACLECURSOR" javaType="java.sql.ResultSet" mode="OUT"/>

        <procedure id="someProcedure" parameterMap="some-param" cacheModel="cacheFullname">
                {call PROC_NAME(?,?)}

The stored procedure uses the OUT parameter to fetch the Oracle cursor and I have CustomTypeHandler to map the Oracle Cursor to a ResultSet.

The cacheModel doesn't work in this case.

Has anyone tried using cacheModel with the above scenario?


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