I've tested it on my application and it works.  Thanks for the prompt fix. 
Paul McCormick

From: Jeff Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 3 August 2006 4:33 AM
To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org
Subject: Re: JIRA 225 and discriminator tag.

Hi Paul,
I have just committed a fix and unit test for this problem.  Get the new source from SVN and let me know how it works for you.
Jeff Butler

On 8/1/06, MCCORMICK, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ok,  thanks.  I'll leave it to you then.

From: Jeff Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 12:13 PM

To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org
Subject: Re: JIRA 225 and discriminator tag.

Thanks Paul.  I've just coded a unit test for myself that is failing like you described, so you don't need to provide another one unless you just want to.  I'll post further comments in JIRA after I do a little investigation.
Jeff Butler

On 8/1/06, MCCORMICK, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
No problem,  I'll provide the unit test.

From: Jeff Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 11:09 AM
To: user-java@ibatis.apache.org
Subject: Re: JIRA 225 and discriminator tag.

I'll take a look at this.  If you can provide a reproducable test case, it would be good to add the test case to the JIRA ticket.
Jeff Butler

On 8/1/06, MCCORMICK, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I've downloaded the latest ibatis code from SVN last week as I needed the following feature: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IBATIS-225

I have encountered a problem.  The reused result map ignores the discriminator tag.   I've attached some code below.  The legDiscriminatorTestFails query fails.   The query should return a DisplayTenement object containing a single Legislation object.  The query legDiscriminatorTestWorks works.   This returns a single Legislation object. Both queries use the same args and return the same db results.  In the query that fails  the discriminator tag does not find a match for any sub Maps so it defaults to using the Legislation class which is abstract.   Am I doing something wrong?

Here are the classes:
public class DisplayTenement {   
    private Integer id;
    private Legislation legislation;   

public abstract class Legislation {
    private Integer tenementId;    

public class SpecialProspectingLegislation82 extends Legislation  {


<resultMap id ="tenementLegislationRM" class= "Legislation" >
        <result property="id" column="LEGISLATION_ID"/>
        <result property ="tenementId" column= "TENEMENT_ID"/>
        <result property="effectiveRange" column="START_STMP"/>
        <result property ="versionId" column= "LEGISLATION_VERSION_ID"/>
        < discriminator column="LEGISLATION_CODE" javaType="java.lang.String" >
                <subMap value ="AMLS60" resultMap= "Legislation.AMLS60"/>
                < subMap value="CWOS80" resultMap="Legislation.CWOS80"/>
                <subMap value ="CWOS94" resultMap= "Legislation.CWOS94"/>
                < subMap value="EL05NM" resultMap="Legislation.EL05NM"/>
                ..... about 20 more subMaps ......
        </ discriminator>
</resultMap >

<!-- This is the common query used for testing -->
< sql id="legDiscriminatorTestSQL" >

        WHERE leg.LEGISLATION_ID = #value#

<!-- Re using the result map tenementLegislationRM test -->
< resultMap id="oneToOneTestRM" class="emits.domain.tenement.DisplayTenement" >
        <result property ="id" column= "TENEMENT_ID"/>
        <result property="legislation" resultMap="Legislation.tenementLegislationRM" />

<!-- Returns a single DisplayTenement containing a Legislation object
     This query fails. -->
<select id="legDiscriminatorTestFails" resultMap="oneToOneTestRM" >
        <include refid ="legDiscriminatorTestSQL"/>
</ select>

<!-- Returnes a single Legislation object -->
<select id ="legDiscriminatorTestWorks" resultMap= "Legislation.tenementLegislationRM" >
        <include refid= "legDiscriminatorTestSQL"/>
</ select>

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