Injection using blah.getFoo().setBar(bar); should be fine.  There isn't
any setFoo, but its not a private injection.


From: Nathan Maves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: cannot write to property without a setter

I have never tried to do what you say in Spring.

In fact I have never tried it at all :)

My personal opinion is that you should never try and inject into private
properties.  Follow the bean specs and all will be well. 


On 2/6/07, Reuben Firmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        Let's say I have a class structure as per below. Ibatis doesl
not seem to let me address the path foo.bah.someProperty, because there
is no setter (Foo#setBah). Specifically, I get
"com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException : There is no WRITEABLE
property". Spring, on the other hand, is fine with this particular
setup, and in fact seems to ignore the setBah() method if it exists. Is
there a good argument for one way or the other?
        public class Foo
            private Bah bah;
            public Foo()
                bah = new Bah();
            public Bah getBah()
                return bah;
        public class Bah
            private int someProperty;
            public int getSomeProperty()
            public void setSomeProperty(int someProperty)

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