See the solution below.

On Apr 13, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

I'm using groupBy to avoid a 1:N select. I've simplified what I'm doing to isolate the problem.

The relationships between my object model classes are as follows.

A Store has
- a storeGeneral property that is a StoreGeneralModel object
- a phones property that is a List of PhoneModel objects

A StoreGeneralModel has
- a storeid property that is an int
- a storename property that is a String

A PhoneModel has
- an id property that is an int
- a phone property that is a String

When I run the selectStoreByNumber select, I get back two Store objects that each contain one phone number, but I should get back one Store object that contains two phone numbers.

Here is my fairly simple SqlMap file. Can you spot what I'm doing wrong? I suspect the problem is my groupBy attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"

<sqlMap namespace="custom1">

  <resultMap id="PhonesResult"
    <result property="phones" resultMap="custom1.PhoneResult"/>

  <resultMap id="PhoneResult"
    <result column="ID" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
    <result column="Phone" property="phone" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

  <resultMap id="StoreGeneralResult"
    <result column="StoreID" property="storeid" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
<result column="StoreName" property="storename" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>

  <resultMap id="StoreResult"
extends="PhonesResult" <!-- I believe this just pulls in the one result element in the PhonesResult resultMap. -->

Change the previous line to


Note that you can "group by" a property that isn't a primitive type.

    <result property="storeGeneral"

  <select id="selectStoreByNumber"

    <!-- Don't worry about the table tblPhoneAssignments.
I've verified by running this query through another tool that I get back two rows
           that have the same StoreID and different Phone values. -->
    select sg.StoreID, sg.StoreName, ph.ID, ph.Phone
    from stores..tblStoreGeneral sg
    inner join stores..tblPhoneAssignments pa on
      pa.ID = sg.StoreID and pa.AreaID = 1
    inner join stores..tblPhone ph on pa.PhoneID = ph.ID
    where sg.StoreID = #storeid#
    order by sg.StoreID, ph.ID



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