Thanks Larry,
What about transaction management? (start, commit, rollback and end). Can I
use it normally?

On 7/1/07, Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

The best example is one that doesn't exist: don't use it. :)

It's not going to be in iBATIS 3 because it's not really part of the
core of what iBATIS does - mapping data.

Most all modern databases provide similar functionality that will
perform better, and use fewer resources.


On 7/1/07, André Rodrigues Pena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to iBatis. I'd like to see a complete example of how to use
> pagination in my queries. I searched google but I didn't find an example
> including both query and java example of usage.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> André Rodrigues Pena

André Rodrigues Pena

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