Thanks Ashok,

Unfortunately MySQL doesn't support the rownum pseudo column, thanks to your
pointer I was able to find a work around.

If anybody is interested it involves using variables as such:

SELECT @rownum:[EMAIL PROTECTED] as rownum, P.*

FROM (SELECT @rownum:=0) as R, primary_table as P

It's a simple step to go from there to your solution.

Thanks again, you a godsend.


> you can do a nested select ( select within a select within a select ) and
> get the 'n' number of rows.
> something like this :
> select FIELDNAME, USERID from
>   ( select FIELDNAME, USERID, rownum num
>    from ( select A.FIELDNAME, B.USERID
>     from tblA A, tblB B
>     where A.configUnitID = ?
>     and A.USERUID = B.userUID
>     order by A.FIELDNAME ) a
>   ) b where num between 50 and 60
> regards
> ashok
> On 7/30/07, Zoran Avtarovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've come across an issue using iBatis' n+1 implementation in combination
>> external paging with DisplayTag. The issue lies with with the SQL LIMIT
>> and
>> OFFSET commands on complex queries.
>> My problem is that when I execute a count statement:
>>     SELECT COUNT(*) from primary_table
>> I get a resulting integer
>> But when I do the actual query:
>>     SELECT * from primary_table
>>     LEFT OUTER JOIN secondary_table
>>     LEFT OUTER JOIN tertiary_table
>>     LIMIT #limit# OFFSET #offset#
>> The limit and ofsset apply to the raw resultset, the size of which is
>> primary size + secondary size + tertiary size. Meaning that The DisplayTag
>> navigation header never lets the user get the results beyond primary size
>> on
>> the raw query.
>> The work around I'm using is to execute the count on the complex query,
>> but
>> the navigation info is misleading and I'd rather get it right.
>> I was hoping that somebody had come across this and had a possible
>> solution.
>> The reason we've moved away from DisplayTag's built in paging is that the
>> result set is at 100K and growing which was giving us a performance hit.
>> Z.

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