> wildcard parameter like qu*

Should not it be Like qu%     ?
Turn on logging for connection and iBatis and check what SQL is actually
executed and whether it returns anything when executed from TOAD.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 3:13 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear sir(s):
>      Currently I am working with iBatis with Oracle 10g as the backend.  I
> have
> a number of jsps or Web pages which take various input parameters in the
> format of
> #xxxxxxxx# where xxxxxxxx represents the dataitem from the Javascript.  In
> my
> sqlmap, there is a complex join involving nested SELECT statements.   The
> nesting works fine as one of them is used for grouping a result set of no
> more than
> 500 rows at a time.  This works fine.
>       The main problem with the sqlmap is that part of the SELECT statment
> involves
> a composite join between three Oracle tables/views.  By using the backend
> utility
> TOAD, I can see all the individual columns and data, so there is no issue
> with the
> underlying data.
>       The problem I am facing is a subtle one.   Throughout my
> application, there
> are various queries involving wildcard searches with the input parameters.
> When
> there is a query involving a single table, the wildcard parameter like qu*
> will
> return the result set with the values quit, queer, question quintessence,
> etc.
> When I use the wildcard with the multiple joins and there are logical
> asisgnments
> to the joined tbales, the query returns back an empty set.  What gives ??
> Here is the code snippet.
>                        <SQLstatement>
>                    SELECT * FROM ( SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(500) */
>                    B.*, ROWNUM RNUM
>                          FROM(
>                                          SELECT
>                                                TC.TXN_CODE,
>                                                TC.DESCRIPTION TC_DESCR,
>                                                TC.CR_DB,
>                                                TM.TXN_TYPE_NAME TXN_TYPE,
>                                                TT.DESCRIPTION TT_DESCR,
>                                                TC.REVERSAL,
>                                                TC.SIGN,
>                                                TC.CHANNEL
>                                          FROM
>                                               LKP_TXN_CODES_VW  TC,
>                                               LKP_TXN_TYPES_VW  TT,
>                                               MAP_AML_TXN_CODES TM
>                                          WHERE
>                                                 TC.TXN_CODE =
>                                                 AND TT.TXN_TYPE =
>                                      &lt;dynamic&gt;
>                                           &lt;isNotNull
> property="TXN_CODE"&gt;
>                                                 &lt;isNotNull
> property="CONDITION_TXN_CODE_LIKE"&gt;
>                                                            AND TC.TXN_CODE
>                                                       &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                                 &lt;isNotNull
>                                                            AND TC.TXN_CODE
> = #TXN_CODE#
>                                                       &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                                 &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                           &lt;isNotNull
> property="TC_DESCR"&gt;
>                                                 &lt;isNotNull
> property="CONDITION_TC_DESCR_LIKE"&gt;
>                                                            AND
>                                                       &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                                 &lt;isNotNull
>                                                            AND
>                                                       &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                                 &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                           &lt;isNotNull property="CR_DB"
> &gt;
>                                                            AND TC.CR_DB
> = #CR_DB#
>                                                 &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                           &lt;isNotNull
> property="TXN_TYPE"&gt;
>                                                            AND TT.TXN_TYPE
> = #TXN_TYPE#
>                                                 &lt;/isNotNull&gt;
>                                          &lt;/dynamic&gt;
>                                          ORDER BY TXN_CODE
>                        ) B
>                      WHERE ROWNUM &amp;lt; #ROW_TO_END# )
>                          WHERE RNUM &amp;gt; #ROW_TO_START#
>                  </SQLstatement>
>      I look forward to any input from the iBatis user community.
>      regards,
>      Mason Yu Jr.
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