Hi Clinton

Basically what I am seeing is the nested select is not getting executed. To make it simpler, I created a simple prototype. I know in this example I don't need to create a separate select, but wondering why its not working. Here are the details

public class Car
        private int carId ;
        private String name ;
        private List<Parts> carParts ;

public class Parts
        private int partId;
        private String name ;


        <resultMap id="carResult" type="Car">
                <id property="carId" column="id"/>            
                 <result  property="name" column="name"/>
<collection property="carParts" javaType="ArrayList" ofType="Parts" select="getCarPartInfo"/>
        <select id="getCarsInfo" resultMap="carResult">
                SELECT car_id as "id", name
                FROM Car where car_id=1
        <select id="getCarPartInfo" resultType="Parts">
                SELECT part_id as "partId", name
                FROM Parts where car_id=1

mysql> select * from car;
| car_id | name |
|      1 | Audi |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Parts;
| part_id | name       | car_id |
|     100 | door       |      1 |
|     101 | windshield |      1 |
|     102 | Brakes     |      1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Unit Test

        public void testGetCarInfo() {
                List<Car> list = repository.getCarsInfo();
                for (Iterator<Car> carIter = 
list.iterator();carIter.hasNext();) {
                        Car d = carIter.next();
                        logger.debug("Car id " + d.getCarId() + " name " + 
                        List<Parts> dPartList = d.getCarParts();
                        if (dPartList!=null) {
logger.debug(" car Part iterator is not null " + dPartList.size());
                        } else {
                                logger.debug(" car Part List is  null " );
                assertNotNull("At least one device must exist", list);        

Unit Test Result

2010-04-07 11:27:11,576 DEBUG [iBatisImplTest] Car id 1 name Audi
2010-04-07 11:27:11,577 DEBUG [iBatisImplTest]  car Part List is  null

As you can see the result does not contain the Parts List, the Collection is not getting set. What is missing?


On Apr 6, 2010, at 8:49 PM, Clinton Begin wrote:

So you have desc in two places? This is getting more confusing. Maybe post the expected result set and the classes you're mapping it to.


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 9:09 PM, Viv Kapadekar <vi...@peoplepowerco.com> wrote: Yeah actually to make it more clear Class X also has desc. So its really:
Class X {
String id
String desc
List<Y> b
If index is null the desc is applicable for X and when its not null it should be applicable to X.


On Apr 6, 2010, at 7:21 PM, Clinton Begin wrote:

If iBATIS finds ANY values for the mapped properties, it will create the object. Is it possible that the desc column is populated even when the index is null?

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Viv Kapadekar <vi...@peoplepowerco.com > wrote:
I have a Class X containing a List of Class Y

Class X {
String a
List<Y> b

Class Y {
String index
String desc

The resultMap I have is

<resultMap id="someID" type="X">
               <id property="a" column="id"/>
                       <collection property="b" ofType="Y">
<id property="index" column="index" /> <result property="desc" column="desc"/> -->

This is fine, but I don't want the resulting X to have the collection b set, if the "index" value is null. If index is null, even the value of b in X should be null. I tried using <discriminator> and also tried creating a separate sql, but no luck. Any ideas?


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Viv Kapadekar

Viv Kapadekar

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