Yes, you have to annotate the parameters (because java reflection is
kinda weak).

It's in the user guide.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Nicolas ANTONIAZZI
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to pass multiple parameters in iBatis3 without having to pass
> a map or a bean ?
> example :
> ------------- UserMapper.xml ------------
> <select id="selectUsers" parameterType="hashmap" resultType="List<User>">
>   SELECT * FROM user OFFSET #{offset} LIMIT #{limit}
> </select>
> ------------- -----------
> public interface UserMapper {
>   public List<User> selectUsers(HashMap<String, Integer> parameters);
> }
> -----------------------------------------
> Now, I can call my statement with :
> int offset = 10;
> int limit = 10;
> UserMapper userMapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
> HashMap<String, Integer> parameters = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
> parameters.put("offset", offset);
> parameters.put("limit", limit);
> List<Question> selections = questionMapper.selectQuestions(parameters);
> ------------------------------------------
> I think that a cleaner way would be to do somethink like :
> public interface UserMapper {
>   public List<User> selectUsers(int offset, int limit);
> }
> UserMapper userMapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
> List<Question> selections = questionMapper.selectQuestions(10, 10);
> -------------------------------------------
> Is there such a method to achieve it with iBatis 3 ?
> Thanks,

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