Hi Aidan :

  Man this list goes dead on the weekends ! I get the
distinct feeling most list traffic here is coming from
people's work computers during the week ?

> http://www.tidalsound.com/3dstuff/ssstest2.png

  Excellent example ! This really does show where the
shader performs it's magic .

 From the Sputterfish gallery http://tinyurl.com/s4vk6
something kind of similiar in Brazil .

  Of course most will remember this one from years ago .
Seemed so profound way back then - ho-hum now in a way .

Cheers & and an early-happy St. Patrick's day .


> Hi Guys,
> Been doodling with Timo,s SSSish Shader, great stuff. Here is a render from 
> my efforts called Candleshack :)
> http://www.tidalsound.com/3dstuff/ssstest2.png
> Using the same mesh, This is another render BUT with PMG messiahs SSS / 
> translucency shader:
>   http://www.tidalsound.com/3dstuff/candleshack.jpg
> Thanks TIMO,
> cheers
> Aidan

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