Hi :

 While searching for an old RPL file I stumbled into
the RS3D/Scripts folder , and although it was completely
barren of any RPL stuff , it had 3000 java script files !

 What are these files ? Are they all system files that are
completely required for Realsoft to function , or are they
additional files that are there to make RS much more funct-
ional than the stock hardcoded version appears to be ?

 I moved the 'scripts' folder to another drive and RS still
seemed to function properly , so that really made me wonder
if I had stumbled onto some kind of huge cache of 3D tools .

 I looked for info inside the included doc's , but I could
find no mention of any info about the purpose of this java
script stockpile . No info inside the folder either .

 Can anyone comment on what the actual purpose of all these
files are ?

Thanks In Advance .


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