I have been doing website for 10 years now.
But I can solve problems in html, but not code entirely in html.

>>every browser has a different opinion about rendering html code.
That is so true, sad and problematic.

I should put a warning on the website : best viewed with anything but M$ internet explorer

Jean-Sebastien Perron

On 10-06-07 05:40 PM, Matthias Kappenberg wrote:
Hi Jean-Sebastien,

@ 2 - I know absolutely nothing about html or else.

Then you'll run into problems, if something looks
wrong on different browsers.....

I'm creating websites since 15years and I can say
two things about "websites" from a technical view:

It's a really big problem, that every browser has a different
opinion about rendering html code.
I don't know any other way, than coding by hand to get
rid of the problems.
WYSIWG Editors are not working nearly proper....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Sebastien Perron"<j...@neuroworld.ws>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: 3D website made with RS7 Linux

Thanks for your comments

1 - I use only Sea Monkey Composer.
2 - I know absolutely nothing about html or else.

I know about the 2 extra lines I will correct it tonight and improve a

Jean-Sebastien Perron

On 10-06-07 02:27 AM, Matthias Kappenberg wrote:
Hi Jean-Sebastien,

"Table" design is outdated.
Maybe you should give absolute positioned "div containern"
a chance. And inline styles are not good, because of reusing,
changing styles.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Sebastien Perron"<j...@neuroworld.ws>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:51 AM
Subject: 3D website made with RS7 Linux

This is only the beginning.


Try rescaling the window of your browser.

This is an attempt at making a website full screen at any resolution.

There will be some 3D buttons made with transparent cristals and also
some objects that will reflect on rippled water on the surface of the page.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

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