On 17-5-2011 19:44, Lorenzo Pistone wrote:
Hi Mark,

Thank you for the advice.

I changed the undo to 0 and changed also some configuration option of
the emulator giving a lot of megabytes for every kind of memory, like
zorro3, chip mem, fast mem and so on and now it render to file at 1920x1080.

I think the problem wasn't the undo but the uae settings, but I will
investigate more..

Anyway I have some more questions about the realsoft 4.2 version.
I would like to move some old amiga project to this version that seem to
like the old format, at least for the same project of the memory prolem,
but I would like to know if there is some thing I should know about
import from previous real format.

The Undo was a wild guess... I hope you solved this funny retro-problem.
About importing: beware of trimcurves! They import inverted into V4 and later, you´ll have to invert them manually.

I still have some parts of my very first Real3d 1.4 model of a microscope in a V6 version!

Another question is about RPL, if I open the rpl windows I receive a
error about missing  scripts/rpl/startup.rpl
It seems that the installation do not create this file, there is a

Lorenzo Pistone

As far as I remember ´startup.rpl´ is an essential file for Real3d to function properly. But it´s been too long, forgot the details...

-Mark H

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