I am new to Magnolia (running Community Edition 5.4.8) and working my way 
through the documentation to create a simple directive.

I have followed 
[url=http://freemarker.org/docs/pgui_datamodel_directive.html]this[/url] to the 
point where I have a viewable template and a compiled .jar file.

I am now struggling to understand where to place the:
root.put("upper", new com.example.UpperDirective());

command, or how to configure the shared variable so that my template will 
recognise the user defined directive (I am seeing <@upper> when my page is 
rendered rather than the output of the directive).

So far I have tried following 
 to add the shared variable under 
/modules/rendering/renderers/freemarker/contextAttributes, but it seems to make 
no difference.

What am I missing here?

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